
LinkedIn i la gestió de les identitats

El tema del respecte a les identitats és una matèria no ben resolta per part de les empreses. N'hem parlat en alguna ocasió. Segurament és normal des del moment en què solament afecta una part de la humanitat, de manera que per a una empresa usamericana algunes inquietuds dels seus grups d'interès els poden ser difícils de reconèixer. Hem defensat que aquest és un contingut infradesenvolupat dins la gestió de la responsabilitat social de les empreses. Feta aquesta breu reflexió introductòria, transcric el correu enviat a la xarxa professional LinkedIn fent-los saber un dels problemes reals que comporta això.
I was told my account "has been restricted because a significant number of LinkedIn users whom you have invited to your network have indicated that they don’t know you”. I’d like to inform you that I violate NO term of the User Agreement.

Let me offer you a proposal to solve these problems. Your registration oblige to choose among oficial States. You know there are some people from nations like Quebec or Catalonia we don’t like being classified as Canadian or Spanish, cause we don’t feel that. Furthermore, as a professional, I’d like not to present myself as what I’m not. I need to manage my personal & professional identity!

You could let the country as a free field or some other solution for those nations as Catalonia, Basque Country, Quebec, Tibet... Otherwise, many Catalans are indicating to be from Andorra, a near Catalan State, what has the problem that some people get surprised and give the answer "don't know that person".

Josep Maria Canyelles - Responsabilitat Global