
Cimera del Creixement Europeu 2008

Cimera del Creixement Europeu 2008
Creixement en Una Europa Sense Barreres però amb Alts Estàndards

European Growth Summit 2008
Growth in One Europe Without Barriers but with High Standards

Barcelona, 7 de juny.

Europa 500 i Escola de Negoci d'IESE es complauen a oferir-vos l'exclusiva Cimera del Creixement europeu 2008. La cimera posarà plegats empresaris europeus líders i alts executius per a parlar dels afers que afronten en la seva lluita per creixement.

A través d'una sèrie de sessions panel, presentacions, tallers i oportunitats de treball en xarxa la cimera permet als empresaris explorar diferents estratègies així com traslladar les seves aportacions als qui prenen decisions a Brussel·les.

Europe's 500 and IESE Business School are pleased to bring you the exclusive European Growth Summit 2008. The summit brings together leading European entrepreneurs and top managers to discuss the issues they face in their struggle for growth.

Through a series of panel sessions, presentations, workshops and networking opportunities the summit allows entrepreneurs to explore different strategies as well as deliver their findings to key decision-makers in Brussels.

Sobre els Organitzadors / About the Organizers:

Europe's 500 is a pan-European membership organization gathering growth entrepreneurs, representing over 2000 members who have been listed and awarded at least once under the Europe's 500 initiative. The association aims to improve the economic and political conditions for growth in Europe.

IESE Business School is one of the leading business schools in Europe. Established in 1958, it has developed a strong focus on entrepreneurship, both from a regional and practical perspective, promoting initiatives such as the FINAVES fund which aims to support new business ventures, as well as the Business Angels Forum.

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