

[ca] Aquesta setmana he assistit al TEDxBarcelonaChange! A la primera part vam poder veure en streamming l'esdeveniment TEDxChange de Seattle i a continuació 12 ponents van presentar idees interessants i "worth spreading" als 300 assistents. Més informació sobre l'esdeveniment, els ponents i les idees presentades a la web de TEDxBarcelonaChange.

[es] Esta semana he asistido al TEDxBarcelonaChange! En la primera parte pudimos ver en streamming el evento TEDxChange de Seattle y a continuación 12 ponentes presentaron ideas interesantes y "worth spreading" a los 300 asistentes. Más información sobre el evento, los ponentes y las ideas presentadas en la web de TEDxBarcelonaChange.

TEDxBarcelonaChange is an event created out of partnership between the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the TEDx program. It is an initiative devoted to ideas worth spreading in the areas of Global Health and Development. It is meant to help facilitate meaningful discussions on topics including vaccines, polio, malaria, HIV / AIDS, maternal and newborn child health and agricultural development.

Theme TEDxChange 2013: Positive Disruption
Disruption is usually unwelcome. It represents conflict, chaos, and potential danger. But disruption can be a positive, sometimes vital, catalyst for change. It can challenge old assumptions, ignite conversations, activate authorities and expose new possibilities. Disruption can shed a unique light on difficult issues, giving a fresh urgency and perspective to the challenges of our global community. To solve the most intractable challenges in health and development, we need positive disruption. It is the path to true progress...

Al youtube podeu trobar les intervencions. Aquesta n'és una: